The I&I test is the world's first validated cranial nerve assessment for the systematic testing of swallowing-related cranial nerve functions. It was developed, validated and published by Irene Battel and Isabella Koch (I&I), two speech and language therapists from Venice/Italy.
(--> to the study:
A translation into German was carried out by me in co-operation with colleagues from South Tyrol and the authors in accordance with the WHO recommendations for the translation of screenings.
A culturally adapted and harmonised German version therefore exists. However, it has not yet been possible to validate the instrument with the Golden Standard (FEES). The backwards translation from German to English was done by Christina Aere-Kritter. The final version we offer is based on this translation.
I find this instrument highly valuable, as it provides an evidence-based component in the clinical swallowing examination, performed by speech and language therapists. After consulting with both authors, I have got permission to make it available on my homepage for anyone who wants to use it. Additionally, I am planning to publish a video tutorial on how to perform the test, and upload a detailed description on how to conduct it in the near future.